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2015 AP Exam Schedule


You will be taking your AP Exams very soon.  Attached to this letter, you will find the 2015 Exam Schedule and location of each exam.  Most exams will be given at Broadway Christian Church; however, there are some exams at Dunbar or at other high schools.  Remember, transportation to and from exams is your responsibility.  You should familiarize yourself with the test locations and parking options before your test date.  We strongly suggest carpooling or drop-off/pick-up as much as possible. 


Arrival times have been deliberately staggered to allow for students from one exam to leave and students taking the next exam to arrive with minimal overlap.  Please adhere to the times listed—there is no reason to arrive prior to the time listed.  NOBODY SHOULD KNOCK ON THE DOOR OF A TEST ROOM TO CHECK ON DISMISSAL OR TRY TO ENTER THE ROOM FOR ANY REASON.  THIS IS VERY DISRUPTIVE TO THE STUDENTS TESTING.  If the door is shut, the test is still taking place; the door will be opened when students are allowed to leave or enter the room.  If you arrive early and the door is shut, do not wait near the door as that also becomes noisy and disruptive.  Best practice is to arrive at the exact time listed on the exam schedule; we have allowed time for students to arrive before the test begins—the time listed is NOT the time the test will start—it is the time you should arrive!  Per College Board policy, no student will be admitted to a test room after a test has started. 


Ending times for each exam have been given to assist in making transportation arrangements; however, these times are approximate and dismissal time may vary.  Students may not be dismissed until an exam has officially ended.  Do not ask to leave early if you finish before the end of the test, as your request will be denied.  If you play a sport or have a job, it will be your responsibility to inform your coach or employer of your AP obligation and make appropriate arrangements accordingly.


You should bring the following items to the exam:

  • Several sharpened No. 2 pencils (with erasers) for all multiple-choice answer sheets

  • Black or dark-blue ballpoint pens (no gel pens) for completing areas on the exam booklet covers and for free-response questions in most exams

  • A watch (in case your exam room does not have a clock that you can see easily)—no beeping watches

  • A calculator with the necessary capabilities if you are taking an AP Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, or Statistics exams.  (Visit and choose the appropriate course to learn more about the calculator policy for each of these exams, and for a list of authorized calculators.)

  • A ruler or straightedge if you are taking an AP Physics Exam


  You should not bring the following to the exam:

  • Electronic equipment including cell phones, smart phones, smartwatch, laptop, tablet computer, portable listening or recording devices, (iPods, iPads, MP3’s, etc.), cameras or other photographic equipment, devices that can access the Internet, or any other electronic or communication devices.  These will be confiscated at the door should you arrive with them.

  • Books, compasses, mechanical pencils, colored pencils, correction fluid, dictionaries, highlighters, or notes

  • Rulers, straightedges, and protractors (except as noted)

  • Scratch paper (notes can be made on portions of the exam booklets)

  • Computers or calculators (except as noted)

  • Reference guides, keyboard maps, or other typing instructions

  • Watches that beep or have an alarm, or smartwatches

  • Clothing with subject-related information

  • Food or drinks (not allowed during test; only during the break)

Get a good night’s rest before your test, and eat a nutritious breakfast.  You are allowed to bring a snack and beverage for your 10-minute break.  However, eating is prohibited while you are taking an exam.  It is advisable to bring a sweater/sweatshirt, in case the room temperature is below your comfort level.  


You are required to abide by the policies of both the College Board and Paul Laurence Dunbar during the exam period.  Any misconduct will be reported and could jeopardize your AP Exam grade.  Review all policies and information in the “AP Bulletin for Students and Parents” that you are receiving with this letter. 




Additional Information


School Attendance and AP Exams


Taking tests administered at PLD:

Students taking AP exams at PLD are expected to be at school for the normal school day.  If you do not attend school prior to an afternoon exam or leave school early after a morning exam, your parents will be responsible for excusing this absence.  Your absence from classes during the AP exam period will be marked as a field trip and will be excused. 


If you are taking a morning exam, you must report to the guidance center by 8 AM.  If you miss your regular lunch period, you will be given time to eat lunch after your exam before reporting to your 3rd block class. 


Taking tests administered off-campus:

Due to the travel required, students taking exams administered at locations other than PLD will NOT be expected to attend school on their AP exam day.  Your absence from school will be marked as a field trip and is excused.  Please use this additional time wisely to insure your safe arrival at your test site in a timely manner. 


Students taking multiple exams in one day:

If you have signed up for two exams given on the same day, you will take both exams at the same location even if they are not scheduled at the same location.  Since the majority of our exams are given off-campus, the majority of you will take both exams off-campus.  However, if one exam is scheduled to be administered off-campus and one exam at PLD, you will take both exams at PLD.  A counselor will speak personally to any student who has two exams scheduled in different locations prior to the first week of AP exams.  Regardless of location, you will NOT have time to leave for lunch and therefore will need to bring lunch from home.  Generally, you will have 15-20 minutes to eat between your exams. 


Students receiving accommodations on exams:

If you have been approved for exam accommodations, you will take your exams at PLD.  A counselor will be speaking with you regarding your individual situation.


Please review all information in this packet with your parents/guardians.  It is important for them to have this information as well.  We look forward to seeing you during the two weeks of AP exams. 


Study hard and good luck!

PLD Guidance Office




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